
Why Selfwealth



Why Selfwealth



Why Selfwealth



Why Selfwealth


Better Tools. Better Research. Better Investors.

See analyst buy and sell ratings, price forecasts, community sentiment data, and screen for shares trading over and under fair market value.

Man with newspaper
Man with newspaper
Man with newspaper
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Diagnostic tools

Check your portfolio’s health at a glance.

Diagnostic tools

Check your portfolio’s health at a glance.

Diagnostic tools

Check your portfolio’s health at a glance.

Your SafetyRating

SafetyRating measures the diversification of your Portfolio. It's an aggregate score based on diversification, your low and high risk holdings, and how evenly holdings are weighted.

Your WealthCheck Score

Your WealthCheck Score combines SafetyRating, historical performance, and relative valuation of your investments — according to Refinitiv analysts' evaluation — so you can fine tune your portfolio.

Spot trends in the markets

Spot trends in the markets

Spot trends in the markets

Spot trends by comparing a company’s annual performance
See how the market’s performing next to your portfolio and target portfolio
Get detailed information on share and ETF performance, including profit and loss, current prices, and other data points
See what stocks are trending day-by-day
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Get trading recommendations from Refinitiv’s analysts
Use Refinitiv’s price forecasts to stay one step ahead
See what stocks are trending day-by-day
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